Sunday, October 16, 2011

Funny & silly spoons

My kids say I'm "into" wild. They may be right... I like things that are different. Here are some of my more special spoons - special in terms of shape.

I love the spade-like shape of the spoon itself & the freaky hairdo of the guy...

This one can hang on the edge of a bowl or jar (like to let the honey drip back in) I haven't found it particularly useful, but I've seen my daughter use it for eating yogurt...

This spoon is really silly with that smiley guy at the top. It can hang on the side of a mug or bowl, like if you want to serve someone coffee but keep the spoon dry so they won't mess up your sugar...

This spoon can be perched like a bird on the side of a jar. I must admit that I've never used it, but I think it definitely qualifies as wild.